Current share price is , last updated at 11:53 09/10/2024.

Share quote

Stock history

Exchange Singapore Exchange Mainboard
Trading Counter Boustead
Listing 17 October 1975
Industry Industrial & Commercial Services, Construction & Engineering

Stock information

Year End 31 March
Semi-Annual Reporting Periods 1H (Sep) | 2H (Mar)
Major Index Listings MSCI World Micro Cap
  FTSE Global Small Cap
  FTSE Developed Small Cap
  FTSE ST Industrials Index
Bloomberg BOCS:SP
Dow Jones F9D.SG
Reuters BTSS.SI
Yahoo Finance F9D.SI

The above information is collated from third-party sources. While there is no reason to believe the information to be unreliable, Boustead assumes no liability for any inaccuracies.

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