Outsource your GIS application development with confidence

Looking to outsource your ArcGIS application development? We can provide talented individuals - or an entire team of developers – to support your business objectives.

From highly-complex applications, to provisioning a few extra hands to boost your existing in-house resources – the Development Services team is geared to meet all your outsourcing needs across UI design, software development and quality assurance.

Plus, we’re backed by the Boustead Geospatial Group – the largest consortium of ArcGIS specialists outside the United States - so, you can rest assured that every engagement will deliver a superior outcome.

Access highly skilled GIS developers and reduce costs

Based in Malaysia, our Development Services team comprises of fully qualified developers, highly experienced building with the ArcGIS platform. Why Malaysia? Malaysia has a growing a hub of talented geospatial tech developers. On top of this, Malaysian cities have a relatively low cost of living, so labour and occupancy costs are low too, allowing you to grow your team for up to 60% less than you’d pay in your local employment market.



Esri Malaysia card image

Services menu

  • Full-stack GIS application development
  • Software Development as a Service (SDaaS)
  • Enterprise application development
  • Integration & cloud deployments
  • Digital & mobile applications
  • Testing & automation
  • Continuous integration & delivery
  • UI design
  • Support & maintenance

Developer qualifications & experience

BGT's Development Services team is fluent in all contemporary programming languages, top security practices, agile project methodologies, and certified in the leading spatial technology platforms.

Front-end development
Back-end, server-side development
DevOps tools
SharePoint administration
ArcGIS API for JavaScript
Agile experience - Scrum developer 


Back-end development
DevOps tools
Quality assurance testing
Agile experience



Before You Dig Australia (BYDA) transformed its referral service platform with a world-leading approach to digital damage prevention.

BYDA needed to upgrade its referral service to keep pace with advances in technology and ensure the best possible protection for workers and infrastructure.

Utilising AWS, React, NodeJS, SQL, ArcGIS JavaScript, and ArcGIS Server, the new referral service provides real-time dig and enquiry activity dashboards and the ability to provide response wait times and enable map-based searches to users.

With the new system processing over 12 million referrals each year, BYDA is now helping to protect A$388 billion of critical infrastructure with a safer and faster service for its 50,000 monthly active users.

"With the transition to the new platform complete, we’re confident BYDA NextGen is a world-leading approach which provides greater transparency and service to all stakeholders.” 
- CEO, Before You Dig Australia

See it in action

Snowy Hydro launched a virtual tour to share progress of its pumped-hydro megaproject with the public.

Snowy Hydro needed to raise public awareness of Snowy 2.0 - Australia’s largest committed renewable energy project - and share its key construction milestones.

Built on ArcGIS, the Snowy 2.0 Virtual Tour provides access to incredibly accurate spatial data and imagery for both desktop and mobile use.

The virtual tour gives users a bird’s eye view of the project’s construction sites via an interactive map with 3D animations, 360-degree panoramic images and unique video content.

“It’s a great tool to raise awareness and knowledge of the project among the community and to share the many construction milestones we are achieving.”
- Paul Broad, Managing Director & CEO, Snowy Hydro

See it in action

Department of Natural Resources and Mines (DNRM) upgraded its Queensland Globe application to deliver a world-class example for open data.

DNRM worked with a team of UI/UX experts and developers to deliver an open data focused, custom web application, utilising both 2D and 3D visualisation from the ArcGIS API for JavaScript and ArcGIS Enterprise.

Custom components were created specifically for the new application, including drawing and printing tools in the 3D scene, and elevation profiling tools.

Users can now intuitively browse and explore more than 600 layers of government data on any device, in both 2D and 3D. 

“The advantage of the new Queensland Globe is that our cartographers and analysts have access to the back layers of data. This means we can incorporate our own data and then overlay it with state government data easier than ever before.”
- Michael Kraus, Manager of GIS Services, Queensland Reconstruction Authority

See it in action

Interested in outsourcing your GIS application development? Request a quote here.

To learn more about the Boustead group of brands, please contact us.

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